Friday, May 2, 2008

I LUVVV planting spring flowers!!! My hubby finally mowed the lawn last night (mind you, he worked 'til after 7 then still came home and mowed) so today L~ and I will go plant the flowers we bought last weekend (my little 5yr old has such the green thumb.) This year we got petunias (cuz I always buy at least a hanging basket of them) and snapdragons (cuz it's been several years since we've done them) and a decorative planter of double impatiens and a container garden... I also always get a couple perinnials so L~ picked out a clematis and creeping sedum. Then, of course, there were the herbs and a couple tomatoe plants (romas were gone -- boo) and seeds (which we'll start inside tomorrow when it's raining.) I also found 2 of the specialty azeala bush to match the one from last year -- yeah! I love spring!!! Hopefully I will find my camera soon so I can put up a few pics of our labor...
On another note I finally mastered the behind the back hoop grab, bring over-head and back down... I've gotta do the back down kinda fast so the hoop doesn't get caught -- but I'm working toward this weekend!