Friday, February 29, 2008

So says Angie...

My friend Angie informed me at one of my various semi-blog locations that I needed a real blog... I have known this for awhile but have been resistant because I got my feelings hurt when a group of my best friends in the world abandoned me on my previous blog (360) without a word & came here -- my husband and I were the only members not invited to join the "new" network and we were referred to in a less than kind manner on various sites here. I am still struggling with hurt feelings but I suppose that's no reason to boycott BlogSpot any longer (I admit to being much more sensitive than people realize and I've come to embrace that sensitivity), especially as most of the people I blog-stalk are here (Hey, Angie, I'm sooo stalking your mom now too, tee-hee). So, here I am! I prefer to be appreciated rather than tolerated but I can handle a different point of view (actually, I kinda enjoy a good debate.) Let's not take each other too seriously -- always assume I'm joking 'cuz it's my personality and if I really have an issue I promise to take it up in privately (there's not a passive-aggressive bone in my body; I confront things head-on or write them off completely.)

Let's go! Yallah!!!
~ Rach


Angelia said...

YES! On the Blog Bandwagon!! Imagine my surprize when I checked to see if Bald Man had blogged today.. only to find a comment left by you with a blog ID!!!
Sorry about the rude blog group though... I would've been hurt to.

My mom makes the prettiest stuff! She should post more of it! We're going to ATL next week for a sewing expo/classes so we can learn to make more stuff!